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About us
About us - selectability
selectability is a not-for-profit charity with the primary focus of improving the mental wellbeing of regional Queenslanders and contributing to suicide prevention.
We believe everyone has the right to access high-quality supports locally and have recently expanded our services to include child safety, and residential aged care in the Lower Gulf.
We are proud to be one of regional Queensland’s largest and leading providers of mental health services across a wide footprint, supporting individuals and communities in northern, central and western Queensland. As an NDIS service provider, our team has helped thousands of regional Queenslander access and implement their NDIS plans.
selectability partners with state and federal governments to deliver vital programs mental wellbeing, suicide prevention and carer support programs.
We are proud of our history which includes the merger of SOLAS and MIFNQ in 2017 and have been providing mental wellbeing services to regional Queenslanders for over 40 years.
selectability continues to explore innovative ways to support the mental wellbeing and suicide prevention needs of regional Queenslanders. Our strong networks and solid reputation mean that we are regularly approached by government agencies and private providers to develop and implement programs tailored to the diverse needs of the individuals and communities we serve.
Our purpose
To improve the mental wellbeing of people in regional Queensland and contribute to the prevention of suicide.
Our vision
By 2025, selectability is the provider of choice for mental wellbeing services and a recognised champion in suicide prevention in regional Queensland.
Diversity and inclusion
We understand that different beliefs about mental illness affect how people find and access support services.
We partner with key community organisations to ensure that our services are accessible, flexible, responsive and inclusive to all groups, including: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander; culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD); LGBTQI+; and those living with a disability. This means regardless of circumstances, individuals receive the right support for their own recovery.
Our commitment to quality
selectability is committed to providing the highest quality support and services to those in need in the community as well as a safe, supportive and productive work environment for our growing workforce.
selectability is accredited under the:
- Human Service Quality Framework
- National Standards for Mental Health Services
- NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework
selectability Training (RTO #0281) is accredited under the:
- National Standards for Registered Training Organisations - RTO #0281
HSQF accreditation
selectability is proud to be accredited under the Human Services Quality Framework. This certification involves the demonstration of organisational competency and capability against the following standards:
- governance and management
- service access
- responding to individual need
- safety, wellbeing and rights
- feedback, complaints and appeals
- human resources.
At the heart of these standards and frameworks is a deep respect for human rights that acknowledges and recognises that the person is best placed to know what they need to live a life of choice, purpose, meaning and citizenship.
Human Services Quality Standards
National Standard for Mental Health Services
The National Standards for Mental Health Services (the standards) were first introduced in 1996 to assist in the development and implementation of appropriate practices and guide continuous quality improvement in mental health services, which at that time were predominantly provided through state and territory funded specialist clinical mental health services.
They were welcomed by the service sector and were very influential in how services responded to the needs and expectations of consumers and carers. selectabiity is currently going through the accreditation process to meet these standards.
National standards for mental health

selectability acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we provide services and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We acknowledge those with lived experience and those who support and partner with us to improve mental wellbeing and prevent suicide across regional Queensland.