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BikeShed helps Kenny get back on two wheels
When selectability consumer Kenny is riding his extravagant bikes around town, nothing else can compare.
The larger-than-life character has only amplified this by his presence at the local BikeShed, which he has been attending regularly these last few months.
“I was told about the BikeShed by a friend of mine, and one day I thought I would come down and have a look, and I have been coming here ever since,” Kenny said.
“It gives me something to do, I will come down here with my support workers to socialise, have a chat, and work on my push bike, it’s been really good.
Kenny, known by his friends as “Hulk,” is regularly seen working on his modified ‘chopper’ bike, donned with an extended silver frame, and uniquely tailored long, bright red handlebars, and is now a wonderful addition to the growing numbers at the Townsville BikeShed.
Beyond his presence and love for all things bikes, Kenny says that the BikeShed has been a great motivator in his own personal life.
“I have a good friendship down here with the guys, I’ve known some of them for a long time.
“They have been going through a lot, and I have a lot of stress problems too, so I will come down and help them out, and they help me too.
“Sitting at home, your mind kicks over about a lot of stuff, I come down here, I unwind myself from thinking about other things.
In recent years, Kenny has battled the loss of his father, as has had frequent hospital visits after a major operation on his leg, which he is still recovering from today.
He says that the BikeShed has been a wonderful asset to his lifestyle.
“I get a lot of anxiety in my body, being in and out of hospital, so coming here to have a bit of fun helps me out with that.
Now the BikeShed has become a pillar of Kenny’s life, as he has expanded his network by expressing his interest in various other selectability programs, like the local Clubhouse.
“I like to get out and be active as much as I can, I think that is a good thing at 46 years of age! If I do things all the time, I won’t stress my mind out.”
Make no mistake, Kenny’s character is as big and unique as the various bikes you may see him riding on around the neighbourhood, but the love for his mates is something that has caught the eye of BikeShed consumers.
It is his ability to speak openly about his own lifestyle that makes us all understand that taking charge of your mental health and keeping your mind and body active is just as important as the passion you have for your interests.
It is his story that shows the importance of the BikeSheds in Kenny’s life, but also the significance of his life experience to others that use the BikeShed.

selectability acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we provide services and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We acknowledge those with lived experience and those who support and partner with us to improve mental wellbeing and prevent suicide across regional Queensland.