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Bowen's Hub supporting Jane's recovery
An accident 22 years ago left Bowen resident, Jane, struggling both physically and mentally, but since the opening of the local Mental Health Hub she has managed to turn her life around.
Struggling to recover from her serious accident, Jane had attempted suicide many times and had frequent hospital admissions.
However, since the opening of the Bowen Mental Health Hub Jane said she had found a new sense of confidence, made new friends and improved her mental wellbeing.
“Every day is part of my recovery journey and every day I become stronger thanks to great support – including the support I have been able to receive through selectability,” said Jane.
Originally from South Australia, Jane has called Bowen home for the last four years and is now a regular face at the Hub since opening earlier this year.
“At first I thought the “Hub” was a teenage hangout, but it’s not - it is for everyone no matter your age!
“The vibe is so relaxing and even when I am having a bad day just 20 minutes in the Hub and I can catch my breath and know that I’m appreciated.”
Since starting services with selectability Jane joined a number of Mental Health Hub group programs– in particular she enjoys attending the weekly Coffee Hub.
“I love socialising with others, and can literally talk about anything (or nothing when having a bad day,) seeking advice from others and supporting other people during their bad days.
“My confidence has also greatly improved which has made me stronger mentally and prepared me to face some of the hardest challenges in my life.
“Without the Hub, its staff and other consumers I wouldn’t have had the personal strength to endure what I have in the past six weeks.
“The Hub has really become my family.”
The people and the atmosphere the main reasons Jane finds herself returning to the Hub. For those out there who might be considering coming into the Mental Health Hub but are worried about stigma or judgement, Jane offers these words of advice …
“The hardest part is letting down your guard…the second is stepping up the two stairs and through the door,” explains Jane.
“Once inside you will see that we are all normal people, everyone is going through their own journey and we all have different coping mechanisms.
“The staff are so welcoming and down to earth and listen and care and empower us to be stronger than when we walked in.”
You can find more information on selectability's Bowen Mental Health Hub HERE

selectability acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we provide services and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We acknowledge those with lived experience and those who support and partner with us to improve mental wellbeing and prevent suicide across regional Queensland.