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Carer Gateway: caring for carers
Our Carer Gateway team is growing! Over the last few months, they have been busy consulting and engaging with regional communities, while finalising the implementation of the new Carer Hubs.
Starting as a team of one in 2022, the Carer Gateway function is now made up of more than 20 employees working to connect 300 unpaid carers across regional Queenslanders to free supports and services.
Carer Coordinator Kathryn Konidis said the rapid growth of the team reflected the vital role carers played in supporting loved ones.
“Having a strong and passionate team is definitely key to helping more carers throughout regional Queensland,” said Kathryn.
“We are fortunate enough to have that team that supports that.
Here is what the team has been up to recently!
Carer Hubs
Teams in Mackay and Townsville have reached the final stages of establishing new Carer Hubs that will allow accessing services much easier for those in need.
Carers can access programs like In Person Support Program (IPPS), designed to provide coaching and respite activities for carers specific interests and needs, including craft or gardening.
“Our team is provides outreach support to Palm Island weekly and Charters Towers as well and will be looking to establish hubs to meet the need.
Engaging with community
The Carer Gateway team has been out and about engaging with different communities to understand the need for services!
From community BBQs in Palm Island to NAIDOC week stalls in Mackay and Townsville, locals were introduced to the program and didn’t walk away empty handed.
“It has been great to be on the ground showcasing our work. Our community picnics and lucky door prizes have been a hit.
“The activities give us an opportunity to link with carers in need of support.
“Many people aren’t aware that free support is available for carers so community engagement is a very important part of the work that we do.
“It’s so rewarding to be able to connect people with support that in many cases has been life changing.”
There can be little doubt in the dedication of the Carer Gateway team when witnessing the positive growth made in a few short months.
Beyond the response to the need for services, is the innate ability and passion for providing care to those often overlooked.
You can find that life changing quality in each employee under the Carer Gateway function, which makes its future more exciting.
As a Carer Gateway consortia partner, selectability provides a range of free services to all carers - whether it is someone caring for a family member or friend with a disability, a medical or mental health condition, someone who is frail due to age or with a terminal or chronic illness.
You can find more information or get in touch with the team HERE

selectability acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we provide services and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We acknowledge those with lived experience and those who support and partner with us to improve mental wellbeing and prevent suicide across regional Queensland.