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Drawing on consumer experiences to deliver practical outcomes

Drawing on consumer experiences to deliver practical outcomes

4 June 2024

Understanding the needs and experiences of the individuals we support is essential in developing mental wellbeing services that achieve meaningful outcomes.

Whether they're engaging in one-on-one support, recovery coaching, counselling, joining a group program, or moving into supported accommodation, each quarter we invite our consumers to tell us about their experience in a formal survey.

Chief Operating Officer, Aaron Farrell said that regular Your Experience of Service (YES) consumer surveys helped selectability to ensure that everyone received the high-quality, tailored service they deserved.

“The survey results give great insight into what our consumers want to see more of and what we could be doing better,” said Aaron.

“Incorporating perspectives and experiences from a diverse range of consumers creates a sense of ownership.

‘When our consumers feel heard and valued they are more likely to engage in our programs, leading to better recovery outcomes.

“We are proud to say that in our last YES survey 91 per cent of respondents said they would recommend selectability to others.”

Often bringing unique insights and innovative ideas, consumers can draw on their lived experience to highlight service gaps and develop creative solutions to address these.

Earlier this year clubhouse consumers and employees in Mackay and Townsville worked together to overcome the barriers of limited space and transport to deliver improvements to the programs in each region.

“For some time the Mackay team had to cap numbers for activities that needed transport.

“There was a lot of feedback around the existing van not being suitable,” said Aaron.

Fast forward to today, consumers are enjoying the benefits of a brand-new van with their donations and contributions funding 50 per cent of its purchase.

“In Townsville, consumers were regularly providing feedback around lack of space to run new activities.”

Using their donations to build a brand-new air-conditioned shed, Townsville consumers are now working together to add more activities to their regular timetable to make use of the space.  

“These types of initiatives are made possible through creating open feedback channels with our consumers, like the YES survey.”

“While formal surveys are a great way of capturing information - I always remind consumers that they don’t need to wait to provide feedback  – we have many platforms available at all time to ensure their voices are heard. 

“There are plenty of other ideas that have come through the surveys and other channels which we are looking to work on in the coming months.”

The next selectability YES survey will be out at the end of July.

Find out about our programs and services get in touch with the team today

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ABN 27 174 635 449

NDIS registration 4050002440

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Acknowledgement Acknowledgement Acknowledgement Acknowledgement

selectability acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we provide services and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We acknowledge those with lived experience and those who support and partner with us to improve mental wellbeing and prevent suicide across regional Queensland.

Reconciliation Action Plan | Reflect