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Harmonising recovery – Mackay’s Mental Health Hub strikes major chord in Brendan’s life
For Mackay consumer Brendan – taking the plunge in seeking support is a lot compared to learning the guitar or the piano, as it often requires self-dedication and commitment to growth.
selectability’s Mental Health Hub and Horizon Clubhouse has been a testament to Brendan’s recovery journey for the last seven years and has even given him chance to explore his musical passion.
A remarkable journey of harmonised music and wellbeing, Brendan firmly believes selectability’s services has been life changing.
“I was pointed to the Horizon Clubhouse 7 years ago, and I have been coming into the Mental Health Hub pretty much since it opened, I am here every day,” said Brendan.
“As with everyone, you go through some tough things in life, and without the hub I would revert back to some old habits from when I was younger.
“I was acutely aware what I was doing was an issue and was content with it. But all of a sudden, it was something I was no longer content with, so I chose to do something about it.
“Now I have a son to look after, which in its own way is stressful on top of everything else.
“So, I would say this place helps me out quite a bit… even if it is just a sit down and a chat, it is all very practical. They don’t do something for nothing here, and that is important.”
Through this support, Brendan was able to collaborate with selectability employees to develop tailored programs to suit his needs.
This gave him the chance to indulge in his passion for music, revealing how support and self-discovery can create an uplifting symphony for personal growth.
“I rather enjoy music, so I enjoy the music activities that happen twice a week here… I was lucky enough to be a part of the creation process too.
“I have been I have been able to learn the bass guitar, I have been playing for a bit over a year now and I really enjoy it.”
Whether it be guitar, drums, violin or piano, Brendan’s enjoyment for learning music in the comfortable and safe space of the Mental Health Hub has been a major catalyst in his own personal recovery.
“Without music or the enjoyment of learning music I wouldn’t be able to self-regulate and would be back making poor life choices again.”
Brendan fostering his passion for learning his favourite musical instruments in a journey of recovery and self-discovery is a testament to the importance of tailored support programs on our consumers’ quality of life.
“I like the support from selectability, it is very open, and it works! I certainly wouldn’t be here without it.”
Much like the thread in which music wove in his recovery journey, Brendan hopes that others can find support through their passions as well.
“There are a lot of people out there that genuinely want the help, but they won’t reach out because they are quite intimidated by it.
“My outlook on things, is that you just have to go out and do it, otherwise you never will.
“You might sit there and think about it and wonder ‘why didn’t I go in today?’ and the next day it will be the same thing.
“My advice to that is rip the band aid off and do it, it might change your life.”

selectability acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we provide services and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We acknowledge those with lived experience and those who support and partner with us to improve mental wellbeing and prevent suicide across regional Queensland.