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Meet the team: Brett Oates
Around two years ago you would find Brett Oates was sitting behind a desk ‘crunching the numbers’ as selectability’s Chief Financial Officer – fast forward to today and you’ll find him in his element at the Townsville BikeShed.
Stepping away from his corporate role, Brett was chasing a change of pace but knew he wanted to continue with selectability. After completing a number of project roles in our regional mental health hubs the BikeShed Coordinator position became available and Brett knew it was the role for him!
Brett said the he had found a real passion working hands-on with consumers and for him taking on the role was a “real step up” in his life.
“I’m very fortunate to have this role, for me it’s been a lifesaver. It gives me a chance to reconnect with the community and personally it has been a god send,” said Brett.
“For a few years I was the Chief Financial Officer for selectability, but as with all corporate roles it was quite stressful and as you get a bit older you want less stress in your life.”
selectability’s BikeSheds are innovative new facilities designed to help regional Queenslanders overcome loneliness and get more active.
Loosely based on the proven Men’s Shed concept, selectability’s Bike Shed provides an inclusive space for locals to connect, work on projects, join in group bike rides and improve their mental wellbeing.
“Three days a week BikeShed members head out group on rides, cycling around iconic Townsville locations – Ross River, The Strand and Pallarenda – it’s quite a lot of fun.
“After the rides we come back to the BikeShed and individuals can enjoy a coffee and work on fixing and building bikes.”
What is most important though Brett says is the connections members are able to gain.
“Individuals coming to the Bike Shed are making connections with others, it gives people who may be lonely or at a loose end something to do with their week. It’s been really great to see friendships forming among the members.”
Once such instance that Brett shares with us is about member Jamie.
“Jamie is a bloke about my age, he was referred to the Bike Shed and was effectively lonely and shy. He had had a bit of a personal disaster as his only form of transport, his bicycle, had been stolen.
“He was really down on the dumps with the world,” said Brett.
But that didn’t last for long, and Jamie’s growth is clearly evident, he cycles with the group every week and has built a few bikes for other people.
“The thing that is really special about Jamie’s story is recently he turned up to the Bike Shed with a broken bike. When we asked him what had happened, he replied “oh I was mountain biking with three of my mates and we had a crash”.
“All I heard was “three of his mates” it was nearly enough to make you cry, it was fantastic to hear.”
For more information about selectability and its Townsville-based Bike Shed to or contact our friendly team on 07 4781 2600.

selectability acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we provide services and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We acknowledge those with lived experience and those who support and partner with us to improve mental wellbeing and prevent suicide across regional Queensland.