Recovery Continues as Summer Reflects More Change
Re-building Our Mental Wellbeing
We're being reminded to check in on our friends, family and neighbours impacted by February's flood because some may be only starting to feeling the full emotional impact now.
The physical impacts of the monsoon and flooding event may be clearing but the emotional recovery is far from over for many of those affected.
As Summer approaches it’s natural to feel anxious about what the weather may have in store while the festive season can, for some, be an isolating time anyway.
“People may feel anxiety when milestones come and go like the recent six-month anniversary and then when we reach the 12-month mark, or when other large weather events threaten."
You are not alone – is the message from the Manager of Suicide Prevention at selectability, Mr Adriel Burley, who said it is likely that many affected residents are only now starting to feel the full emotional impact of the disaster.
“It’s important to understand that how people experience this Summer will be different, if not more difficult than previous years,” Mr Burley said.
“We have to think of it like a grief cycle, we’ve lost something and we’re going through the different cycles of emotions.
“What we find is people are so busy cleaning up after the flood that they only really feel, understand or try to grapple with what they’ve gone through once all of the busy work is done and we’re getting to that period now.
“People may feel anxiety when milestones come and go like the recent six-month anniversary and then when we reach the 12-month mark, or when other large weather events threaten," Mr Burley said.
“Christmas can be an isolating time for many people – but even more so for those whose circumstances or how they celebrate may have been altered because of the flood.”
Townsville City Council showed insight by asking selectability, through the Townsville Suicide Prevention Network, to establish a mental health recovery taskforce almost immediately in response to the event.
The taskforce included multiple agencies and has provided leadership and insight into community needs during the recovery phase.
Mr Burley said, as a community, we are now better equipped to deal with similar disasters in the future but there are still things all of us can do to help in this recovery.
“Through the task force we have been able to understand what the immediate needs are in both the health sector and the public, to hopefully support recovery and limit further chronic mental illness or distress in the community,” he said.
Impacted North Queenslanders and their friends and families are asked to be mindful of their own and each other’s mental wellbeing.
“Everyone heals differently so please be mindful of others during this time, try not to say ‘we’re all good now’ because perhaps some of us are not quite there yet. The second thing is taking ownership of your own recovery - talk about it early and often and don’t wait until it becomes a crisis situation.
“We all experienced this together and there are others going through exactly the same thing, you are literally not alone, and you can be supported through this.”
selectability is a leading mental wellbeing, NDIS and Suicide Prevention service provider across regional Queensland.
We offer a variety of services and supports to suit your individual situation.
Please get in touch with our team.
P:Tel 1800 133 123
E: administartion@selectability.
Current pathways to support for recovery can be found via the recovery banner on Council’s Disaster Dashboard, by calling Lifeline on 13 11 14 also operating Support Chat Online and Text Back Services or discuss other support programs with your GP.
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selectability acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we provide services and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We acknowledge those with lived experience and those who support and partner with us to improve mental wellbeing and prevent suicide across regional Queensland.