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Regular support helps David's recovery stay on track
You might recognise David from recent media coverage, where he addressed the issue of employee shortages in the disability sector leading to poor outcomes for consumers.
Having faced adversity in the past, David is working towards his goals and rebuilding his life. For David, missing just one support session can throw his recovery off-track.
David connected with selectability a year ago and sees a support worker on a daily to assist with appointments and community access.
“The support from selectability has been life changing-they are always here if you need support, or do programs or courses,” said David
“Early last year I linked in with selectability for individual support. At the time, I was severely struggling with emotional challenges, anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.
“Much of this was caused by losing my only child to tragic circumstances in December 2018. I lost my way in life and my purpose.”
This past year David has acheived substantial progress.
“Since working with selectability I have a small team of key support workers who I respect and trust. I worked with them to set positive life goals and have achieved what I thought was impossible.”
David has been the first to admit he’s faced many obstacles while working towards his NDIS goals. However, instead of hindering his recovery, he’s had the ambition and drive to overcome these barriers.
“My support team is a ray of sunshine for me, it’s been a huge team effort.”
David’s positive outlook has shone through to others. He has given talks at selectability’s Mental Health Hub, encouraging others to turn their challenges into motivation to achieve their individual NDIS goals.
“My support workers help me to build confidence and connecting with selectability’s Mental Health Hub in the city.
“I can now go to bed every night cuddling my gorgeous companion dog, Alice, feeling understood and complete."
David feels honoured to be able to help others by sharing his story.

selectability acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we provide services and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We acknowledge those with lived experience and those who support and partner with us to improve mental wellbeing and prevent suicide across regional Queensland.