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National Helplines

National Helplines

National helplines

Lifeline - 13 11 14

Lifeline provides 24/7 crisis support and suicide prevention services.

Suicide Call Back Service - 1300 659 467

The Suicide Call Back Service is a 24-hour, nationwide service that provides telephone and online counselling to people 15 years and over who fit one of the following categories:

  • People who are suicidal
  • People caring for someone who is suicidal
  • People bereaved by suicide
  • Health professionals supporting people affected by suicide. 

The Suicide Call Back Service is especially suited to people who are geographically or emotionally isolated.

Beyond Blue - 1300 224 636

Beyond Blue provides information and support to help everyone in Australia achieve their best possible mental health, whatever their age and wherever they live.

Black Dog Institute

Black Dog Institute provides information on symptoms, treatment and prevention of depression and bipolar disorder.

Blue Knot Foundation - 1300 657 380

Blue Knot Foundation provides information and support for those affected by complex trauma to build resilience and recover. 

Brother to Brother - 1800 435 799

Brother to Brother is a 24-hour crisis line that provides phone support for Aboriginal men who need someone to talk to about relationship issues, family violence, parenting, drug and alcohol issues or who are struggling to cope for other reasons.

The line is staffed by Aboriginal men, including Elders, who have a lived experience in the issues that the line offers support for.

The Butterfly Foundation - 1800 33 4673

The Butterfly Foundation provides support, care, referrals and resources for those with an eating disorder, or for those who are the carer of someone with an eating disorder.

Carers Australia - 1800 242 636

Cares Australia offers short-term counselling and emotional and psychological support services for carers and their families in each state and territory.


Headspace provides free online and phone support and counselling to people aged 12-25 as well as their families and friends, available 9am - 1am AEST 7 days a week.

Griefline - 1300 845 745

Griefline provides free telephone support, online bereavement support groups and forums, grief resources and information, as well as education and training programs. 6am AEDT, 7 days a week.

Head to Health - 1800 595 212

Head to Health brings together 500+ resources and services from Australia's trusted mental health service providers. These resources include apps, online forums, and phone services.

Kids Helpline - 1800 551 800

Kids Helpline is a free, private and confidential, telephone and online counselling service specifically for young people aged between 5 and 25.

MATES in Construction - 1300 642 111

MATES in Construction offers 24/7 support and services for those working in the construction, mining and energy industries.

MensLine Australia - 1300 642 111

MensLine Australia is a telephone and online support, information and referral service, helping men to deal with relationship problems in a practical and effective way. 

MindSpot Clinic - 1800 614 434

MindSpot Clinic is an online and telephone clinic providing free assessment and treatment services for Australian adults with anxiety or depression.

Open Arms

Open Arms is a 24-hour service designed for veterans and families counselling. The service is free and confidential, and in some circumstances work with the DVA or the ADF.

PANDA - 1300 726 306

PANDA is a dedicated support service for the mental health and wellbeing of expecting, new and growing families. PANDA provides services, programs and information during pregnancy until 12 months after birth.

QLife 1800 184 527 (3pm to 12am)

QLife is Australia’s first nationally-oriented counselling and referral service for LGBTI people. The project provides nation-wide, early intervention, peer supported telephone and web based services to diverse people of all ages experiencing poor mental health, psychological distress, social isolation, discrimination, experiences of being misgendered and/or other social determinants that impact on their health and wellbeing. 


ReachOut is for youth and young people, this online platform allows a safe space to chat, get support and feel better.

Relationships Australia - 1300 364 277

Relationships Australia is a provider of relationship support services for individuals, families and communities.

Rural Financial Counselling Service - 1800 686 175

Rural Financial Counselling Services (RFCS) is for those in the farming, fishing or forestry industry in financial hardship. They can refer you to relevant professional services such as accountants, agricultural advisers, education or counselling services.

SANE Australia - 1800 187 263

SANE Australia provides information about mental illness, treatments, where to go for support and help carers.

Standby - Support after Suicide - 1300 727 247

Standby offers information, resources, counselling and group support to those bereaved by suicide. Education and professional development to health, welfare and education professionals.


Thirrili is an emotional and practical support to families impacted by a loss from suicide or other fatal traumatic incidents.

13YARN 13 92 76

13YARN is managed by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, a free and confidential service, a culturally safe space to yarn about your needs, worries or concerns.

1800RESPECT 1800 737 732

1800RESPECT is available for free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to support people impacted by domestic, family or sexual violence.

1300 MH CALL - 1300 642 255

1300 MH CALL is a confidential mental health telephone triage service that provides the first point of contact to public mental health services to Queenslanders.

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selectability details

ABN 27 174 635 449

NDIS registration 4050002440

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Acknowledgement Acknowledgement Acknowledgement Acknowledgement

selectability acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we provide services and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We acknowledge those with lived experience and those who support and partner with us to improve mental wellbeing and prevent suicide across regional Queensland.

Reconciliation Action Plan | Reflect