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selectability - supporting community access
For some people with living with disabilities access, to reliable transport can mean the difference between achieving their NDIS goals and living more independently or becoming social isolated and disconnected from their communities
Overcoming isolation is challenging for individuals in regional communities where accessible transportation options are few and far between.
Chief Operating Officer, Aaron Farrell, said selectability was addressing the issue by not only offering reliable transport but also creating spaces and delivering programs that support the development of connection.
“Community involvement is vital for shaping regions, tailoring services to community needs, and creating a sense of belonging that has a wonderful impact on wellbeing,” said Aaron.
“To create a welcoming and thriving community, it's important to make sure everyone can easily get around,” said Aaron.
“Unfortunately, when there are barriers to community involvement like a lack of transport, it can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness.”
According to research, long-term loneliness has been linked to mental health concerns, and lonely people are more at risk for conditions such as depression and anxiety. Loneliness just doesn’t have an impact on mental health, it can also be just as harmful to your physical health - likened to smoking 15 cigarettes a day or being obese.
Creating positive connections:
“Going beyond the act of getting to and from destinations, community transport serves as a vital link connecting people to their community.”
“At selectability we know one of the biggest hurdles to community access is reliable transport.
“Regional areas simply don’t have the same regular and reliable public transport systems as metro areas.
“Our fleet of around 100 vehicles (including wheelchair accessible vans), ensures as many regional Queenslanders as possible can participate in events and activities in their communities.”
In Australia, studies indicate that accessible community transport significantly enhances social inclusion for individuals with disabilities, promoting a more connected and engaged community.
Empowering independence:
“Providing transport as part of selectability’s wrap around support empowers people with a disability to live with greater independence, build skills, reduce loneliness, and increase self-esteem.”
Combatting isolation:
“This includes our Mental Health Hubs, Clubhouses, and BikeSheds which offer opportunities for people to meet people, connect, learn new skills and improve their mental wellbeing.”
Support for community participation:
“selectability’s offering includes a wide range of activities, from social groups, community outings, as well as education and personal development courses.
“We aim to ensure that people living with disabilities in regional Queensland have the support they need to connect and get involved with their communities,” said Aaron.
Community transport serves as a gateway for people living with disabilities to get involved with their community by breaking down accessibility barriers and paving the way to independence and meaningful connections.
To learn more about how selectability can support to access your community visit

selectability acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we provide services and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We acknowledge those with lived experience and those who support and partner with us to improve mental wellbeing and prevent suicide across regional Queensland.