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selectability to launch new Youth BikeShed program
Young people across the Cairns, Mount Isa and Rockhampton regions will soon have a safe space to connect, develop their skills and get active thanks to a new program developed selectability.
The Youth BikShed initiative, supported by a grant from the Australian Government’s Safer Communities Fund, will focus on intervention delivering activities aimed at preventing youth from engaging in criminal activity or anti-social behaviour.
selectability Chief Operating Officer, Aaron Farrell said the program would provide 10 - 24 year olds in Cairns, Mount Isa and Rockhampton with a welcoming place to make friends, engage in meaningful projects while improving their physical and mental health.
“Our Youth BikeSheds will give young people a central location to meet up and participate in a range of activities including group rides and bike repair workshops,” said Aaron.
“The aim is to really broaden the skillset of the young people attending and work with them to develop a set of core life skills including planning, self-control, awareness and flexibility.
“The space will also provide break out areas to provide youth the opportunity to socialise and engage with our trained mental health workers.
“By including our youth in new activities that they can get passionate about, our BikeShed team will support them in mapping out their individual goals and dealing with obstacles,” said Aaron.
The BikeSheds will also include programs for adults, based on the successful framework being delivered in other selectability locations.
The new BikeSheds are located at:
- Cairns: 502 Mulgrave Road
- Rockhampton: 31 William Street
- Mount Isa: 27 Miles Street
Stay tuned for the official launch dates and more program information.

selectability acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we provide services and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We acknowledge those with lived experience and those who support and partner with us to improve mental wellbeing and prevent suicide across regional Queensland.