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Self-care during COVID-19
For many of us 2022 hasn’t started off quite as planned.
The uncertainty that COVID-19 brings to our daily lives can leave you feeling more stressed, anxious or depressed than usual. These are all normal emotions to feel during a time like this, but there are things that you can do to look after yourself both physically, mentally and emotionally.
To help you get through we have put together a list of self-care tips that you can do from home that will help to improve your mood and give you a sense of control back into your life.
1. Make time for social connection
Physically distancing doesn’t have to mean socially distancing, we are so fortunate to live in a world where technology exists that allows us to “virtually” see our friends and family. It’s so important to talk to those people you trust about how you are feeling during this time.
Tip: why not reach out via FaceTime, Zoom or Skype.
2. Do something that you enjoy and makes you laugh
Be on the lookout for chances and opportunities to make you laugh by doing things that you enjoy. Laughter releases endorphins that makes our bodies produce feel-good hormones. Think of an activity that brings a smile to your face and try and find a just a few minutes to do it every day.
Tip: Put on your favourite song and enjoy singing and dancing around your home.
3. Healthy lifestyle (eating a balanced diet)
It’s so important to take care of your own body. In times of stress your body will often crave “bad” foods including things high in carbs and sugars. Instead replace those foods like chocolate, cake, lollies and takeout with healthy, well-balanced meals.
Tip: Don’t forget to drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated.
4. It’s time to…exercise!
No doubt exercising will be the last things that you feel like doing, but exercise is good not only for your physical health but also your emotional health. Exercise works to increase the serotonin levels in your body which in turn help to improve both your mood and energy level.
Tip: Try and find a spare 15 minutes in your day to take a quick stroll or run.
5. Ensuring quality sleep
Make sure you are getting plenty of sleep – now is the perfect time to prioritise your sleep. Adults normally need seven to eight hours of sleep each night.
Tip: Are you having trouble falling asleep? Try putting down all technology before going to bed, take time to have a decaffeinated tea and read a book.
6. Make time for yourself to unwind
During times of stress, fear, anxiety and depression it is important that you take time to connect with yourself mindfully.
Tip: Why not try a self-guided meditation – you can find many free apps for your phone including Smiling Mind that will step you through short meditations.
7. Take a break from the news
COVID-19 is certainly dominating all news and social media platforms at the moment. This constant reminder of what is going on around you can often negatively affect your mood.
Tip: Why not take time away from social media and switch off the news – you might notice your outlook on things starts to improve.
8. Most importantly be kind to yourself!
No matter what it’s important to realize that it’s ok to not feel ok.
Tip: Be mindful of how you are feeling and forgive yourself at times when you might not be feeling your best.
For more information about selectability and our range of mental health and wellbeing services, head to or reach out to our friendly team on 1800 133 123.

selectability acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we provide services and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We acknowledge those with lived experience and those who support and partner with us to improve mental wellbeing and prevent suicide across regional Queensland.