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The way it should be- Sheena's story
As Carers Week draws to a close, selectability continues to celebrate the 2.65 million Australians who provide care and support to a family member or friend.
Townsville local Sheena is amongst the many carers who receive regular support from Carer Gateway.
full-time carer for her 8-year-old son, Sheena says her referral to Carer Gateway a decision that was life-changing.
“My son is my whole world, I don’t do anything away from him, I even volunteer for 30 hours a week at his school,” said Sheena.
“But I didn’t have a social life, I didn’t have friends, everything revolved around my son, and at the time that’s the way I wanted it to be.”
It was during this time that Sheena was referred to Carer Gateway by her son’s support coordinator.
“I was going to burn out if I get didn’t help, I don’t get respite, he has never been babysat, so we decided that instead of volunteering at the school, why not get the break I need through Carer Gateway?”
“There was a bit of anxiety the first time around, I think I made excuses for the first few weeks, but Kimberly (selectability/Carer Gateway facilitator coach) didn’t give up on me, so I had to give it a go.
“I came once, and I haven’t missed a session since.”
Etched in the ethos of Carer gateway is tailored programs that provides much needed support for those providing selfless care to their loved ones.
Whether it be through activities like gardening, art, or just sitting and talking over coffee.
“No one here asks anything of me, no expects anything of me, I think the first time we sat at the tables and drew pictures, I don’t think I have done that in at least a decade.
“Other weeks we just sit and talk, sometimes it is good to just communicate with adults for once.
“That is the best thing about it, is that you don’t sit and dwell on how hard everything is, you accomplish things within yourself.
“And I am not so stressed with my son, because I am getting that mental break.”
Make no mistake, Sheena’s story; ever unique; is reminiscent of many supported by Carer Gateway.
For Sheena in particular, her life is ever the better for it.
“As a carer, my point of view is that I don’t want to go to a group and be constantly reminded of how structured our lives are because of who we care for, or how we neglect ourselves as a result of it.
“When you are here you don’t have to justify yourself constantly, instead you spend your time doing things like gardening or painting.
“The carers world disappears for 2 hours a week, that’s it, I can just be me, and that is the way it should be.”
You can find more information about the Carer Gateway program HERE

selectability acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we provide services and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We acknowledge those with lived experience and those who support and partner with us to improve mental wellbeing and prevent suicide across regional Queensland.