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Townsville consumers get on the tools for a good cause
Over the next 6 weeks, consumers from our Townsville Mental Health hub will will master woodwork and construction skills to build a coffee table, culminating in the final product being donated to a nonprofit of their choice.
Six Townsville consumers have recently started training with Life Skills Queensland as part of a new initiative being delivered through the mental health hub.
Mental health hub coordinator Jackie Inwood said consumers were excited to take part in the course.
“It is actually a really cool connection that we have formed as they came in and had a look at our space.
“Then after visiting them and they offered us this grant program which is amazing, and our consumers are loving this free opportunity to learn new skills that that they would not be able to afford themselves.
“I think it has definitely given our consumers some great insight into the industry, too.
“It is one of the benefits of the service we provide, consumers are encouraged to work in groups to promote socialisation, they receive transport to and from lessons, and can even potentially take on new employment as a result.
“And above earning their Certificate I White Card, they are able to donate their work generously to someone in need!”
Now two weeks into the course, consumer Shane said he was excited about attending classes each week.
“We built our first tables in the first week of classes, they are these little fold out legged tables made out of pine,” said Shane.
“And this week just gone by, we have just made the frames for our round tables which will be the ones we donate at the end.
“But it’s fantastic, when I was in school in Charters Towers, I never used to be any good at woodwork and metal work.
“They didn’t have the equipment like they do now, and they teach you the whole way along, sawing, measuring, and sanding, all of it.
“A lot of the others that were there, this is probably their first time doing something like this too, and some of them are really good at it!
“selectability has given me the opportunity to do things like this, learning new skills, and then at the end of it you have something that can last a lifetime, it is like taking a photo you know?”
Keep up to date with more stories on our socials and our website, where we will provide updates on the progress of our consumers woodworking skills!
Find our more about selectability’ programs and services here

selectability acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we provide services and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We acknowledge those with lived experience and those who support and partner with us to improve mental wellbeing and prevent suicide across regional Queensland.