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Wellbeing Wednesday: exercising to improve your mental wellbeing
Wellbeing Wednesday: exercising to improve wellbeing
It is well known that exercising is good for your physical health but did you know that, for our mental wellbeing, exercise can be as effective as therapy and medication?
Here are some tips to get you exercising to improve your wellbeing!
- Start small
It’s important that when you first start exercising that you start small, think 30 minutes five days a week. If you are someone who is stuck in bed not feeling motivation to get up and moving, you might like to add something smaller into your daily routine.
- Add exercise to your daily routine
Try scheduling time in your daily routine dedicated to exercise and stick to it! By taking the time to schedule in your exercise you will be relying less on willpower.
- Do something you enjoy
If you don’t enjoy running then there is no point scheduling time to go for a daily run – you will be starting on the back foot. Find an exercise that you enjoy doing that way you will be more likely to show up and keep doing it.
- Be kind to yourself
Remember to be kind to yourself. If you haven’t exercised for a while you are more likely to be quite critical of yourself … it’s important to recognise that it’s ok to drop the ball and it’s ok to start from the beginning.

selectability acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we provide services and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We acknowledge those with lived experience and those who support and partner with us to improve mental wellbeing and prevent suicide across regional Queensland.