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selectability to undertake NDIS accrediation audit - you're invited to participate
29 October 2019
selectability is about to undertake an NDIS accreditation audit With the Human Services Quality Standards (HSQS) and the National Standards for Mental Health Services (NSMHS) audits successfully completed, selectability is about to undergo the certification process for accreditation under the NDIS P...

Recovery Continues as Summer Reflects More Change
23 October 2019
FLOOD RECOVERY CONTINUES Re-building Our Mental Wellbeing We're being reminded to check in on our friends, family and neighbours impacted by February's flood because some may be only start...

Regional Queensland Expansion Plan - Mackay Milestone
2 October 2019
Helping more people at heart of expansion plan...

selectability acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we provide services and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We acknowledge those with lived experience and those who support and partner with us to improve mental wellbeing and prevent suicide across regional Queensland.