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Workplace wellbeing
Did you know that mental illness is now one of the leading causes of unplanned leave in the workplace?
Research is showing us that mentally healthy employees are more productive during their work day.
And those who are more mentally healthy in turn are less likely to take sick leave…it’s a win-win situation!
selectability project manager and counsellor Suzanne Bocking employees spent more time with our colleagues than with family and friends so it was essential to focus on workplace wellbeing.
"With the amount of time we spend at work it’s important that we are able to feel mentally well and valued," said Suz.
"Plus happy and healthy employees result in increased productivity!'
Before we touch on our top workplace wellbeing tips we asked Suz to explain some of the benefits of mentally healthy workplaces
"When a work environment is mentally well there are numerous flow on effects including understanding and awareness, more open communication and increased productivity.
“Also you will notice that resilience will increase and you and your colleagues will watch out for each other and feel confident and comfortable in asking if you/they are ok.”
Here are our top five ways to improve workplace wellbeing:
- Monitor workloads and work hours
If you notice that employees are regularly working long hours, taking work home or working through breaks – address the issues directly.
Smarter and more flexible working arrangements are definitely increasing, why not involve employees in discussions around how work is to be performed.
- Improve understanding and increase awareness
It can be hard to talk about mental health in the workplace, but you may find a time in which you need to have these discussions with your managers (and you should feel comfortable and empowered to do so).
Why not host a lived experience morning tea or mental health awareness program in your workplace? You could encourage employees to participate in the day and have them share their personal stories of mentally ill health and recovery journey.
By increasing this level of understanding and knowledge across your workforce you will also be working to reduce stigma while increasing commitment to creating mentally health workplaces.
- Building skills to approach someone you are concerned about
Through internal communication why not promote resources to help your employees develop the skills to approach a colleague they are concerned about.
You should encourage your employees to:
- learn skills regarding having “difficult” conversations
- look out for each other
- promote a workplace that has zero tolerance to bullying and discrimination
- Building resilience among employees
Improving workplace wellbeing could involve building the resilience of your workforce.
Ways in which to achieve this include:
- introducing resilience training for all employess
- encouraging physical activities like yoga and meditation
- providing employees with access to confidential counselling services (i.e. Employee Assistance Programs (EAP))
- Promote positive mental health and wellbeing
A really important aspect of increasing the wellbeing of your workplace is the ability to promote positive mental health and wellbeing.
An easy way to do this is to promote collaboration! Encourage your teams to work on tasks together, discuss ideas, share skills and take part in activities as a group.
And as a manager be sure to follow-up all work with appreciation, emphasising the value of the work employees are doing (this includes celebrating achievements).
You may also like to consider implementing regular wellbeing checks with employees to ensure that they are happy, this also allows them the opportunity to raise any concerns.
For more information about selectability and our clinical services visit or reach out to our friendly team on 1800 133 123.

selectability acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we provide services and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We acknowledge those with lived experience and those who support and partner with us to improve mental wellbeing and prevent suicide across regional Queensland.